Main landing image showcasing Lokal Scene's platform for local businesses

Discover the Lokal Scene

Gathering All Local Businesses

We Can't Simply Search "Local Business"

No available platform to discover local businesses

There are no platform to discover local businesses

Difficulty in searching for specific categories of local businesses

It’s hard to search for specific category

Challenges in finding niche local businesses

It’s even impossible to look for specific niche!

Gathering All Local Businesses

Local businesses categorized for easier discovery


Become searchable by your audience and organisers!

Discover a wide range of local businesses including food, fashion, and art


From food to fashion to art, find everything the local market has to offer in one place!

Join the Lokal Scene community to collaborate and explore opportunities


Collaborate, organise, pop-ups and more! Endless opportunities and possibilities

Explore local businesses and events with Lokal Scene

